Friday, 31 January 2014

The Derby-versary?

For many of us finding roller derby was one of those life changing moments, and so we like to celebrate it and tell the world "HEY WORLD I'VE BEEN INTO DERBY FOR THIS LONG!".  Like other anniversaries everyone will judge "The Day" in a different way, was it the first time you met(heard about derby), the first date(first time you saw derby live), your first kiss(first time you participated at a bout), or you know, the first *ahem*...(The first time you passed min skills/bouted/reffed a bout).

Just like with other relationships there is no normal or correct answer to this question.

For me I count my derby-versary as the first time I participated in a bout.  I could count my first experiences as a spectator but what if I never got involved with the sport in any capacity other than as a casual fan(That was never going to happen...).

My first experience of being involved in derby as a participant was 11th April 2010 when I was an NSO for ARRG's home event Hadrian's Brawl, (which was also the 1st time I saw Newcastle Roller Girls play).  I had been involved in derby a little bit longer than that though as we had sat in on an ARRG training session and spent a while chatting to some of the refs about the sport a few months before that(actually before I'd even seen a live bout) and I was already learning the rules ready to announce my first bout.

So,  what do you count at your anniversary of derby?  First bout you saw?  the day you joined your 1st league, or the first bout you participated in?

Drop a comment below or on my page: -
or hit me up on Twitter:-